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I know what you’re thinking. Beets are weird and fibrous, they are too earthy and taste like dirt. While to some extent that’s all true, there happen to be many transformative and delicious applications of this root vegetable. From pickled to roasted, beets can be used in salad, soups and even deserts! They also happen to be a great source of folic acid, iron and anthocyanins. Now if those aren’t some great reasons to consume this colorful veggie, maybe these benefits will convince you:

  1. Improve Athletic Performance – what’s worse that when you go on a run and 20 minutes later you’re exhausted and ready to turn around? Well, some studies  suggest that beets actually improve cardiorespiratory endurance by decreasing oxygen deprivation in the blood, which can hinder peak performance. When you start training for that marathon you keep telling yourself you’ll do, try adding beets to your diet and watch that stamina grow!
  2. Brain Booster – nitric acid found in beets helps to promote blood flow throughout the entire body, including the brain. Beets increase nitric oxide formation, which dilates blood vessels and boosts circulation. This is not only beneficial fo everyday mental clarity, but also long term prevention of neruodegenerative diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s.
  3. Heart Health – heart function is also related to blood flow! Folate and betaine are found in beets, together they help to lower blood homocysteine levels. High levels of this amino acid is indicative of an increased risk for heart disease and circulatory issues.
  4. Fights Inflammation – the high antioxidant levels in beets, from a pigment called “betacyanin,” may help protect cells from carcinogens. Not only this, but antioxidants reduce free radicals, which helps to maintain healthy cell function and keep that youthful glow!
  5. Liver & Kidney Support – the betalin pigments in beets help promote the body’s natural detoxification process. This is beneficial to both the kidney & liver in regard to the breakdown and excretion of toxins. When these systems are in check, your body has much more resilience!

My heart just skipped a beet thinking about all the reasons to consume this root veggie!