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From sweet to savory applications, this spice of life has been around for thousands of years. Dating back to 2800 B.C., the versatility of cinnamon is significant and rather unique. Historically, it was used a fragrance for mummification, preservative for meats and a means of currency equivalent to gold and ivory! It was also believed by medieval physicians to treat throat conditions and used by the Chinese as an anti-aging supplement. While to some extent these assumptions are true, modern science has uncovered the many benefits of cinnamon! Here are some of the most exciting:

  1. Lowers Blood Sugar – cinnamon has been shown to reduce the amount of glucose that enters the bloodstream. This is not only great for those with diabetes, but also individuals who want to prevent mid-day crashes. Another key component of this spice is that it increases the body’s sensitivity to insulin, meaning that the cells can more efficiently use glucose!
  2. Supports the Brain – intercept neurodegeneration with this lovely, fragrant spice. The compounds found in cinnamon inhibit the build up of tau proteins, which contribute to Alzheimers disease. In one study, cinnamon was shown to protect neurons and normalize neurotransmitter levels!
  3. Fight infections – cinnamic aldehyde, found in cinnamon, may help to fight infections! Some studies show that this compound may be effective in treating respiratory infections (medieval physicians were on to something). There is also evidence that suggests it inhibits the growth of some bacteria, including salmonella!
  4. Anti-inflammatory Properties – cinnamon contains many nutrients, including manganese, dietary fiber, iron and calcium! The spice also contains three major compounds, cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate and cinnamyl alcohol. Some studies show that these components decrease the expression of pro-inflammatory markers. This is great for those who engage in strenuous exercise given that is may reduce muscle soreness and fatigue!
  5. Happy Heart – in addition to its anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory properties, cinnamon help manage cholesterol levels. Some evidence shows that it may reduce LDL and raise HDL cholesterol levels! This has the potential to decrease the incidence of heart related conditions in some at risk individuals (with of course the combination of a healthy diet and lifestyle).

Aside from its history and health benefits, cinnamon is an amazing and diverse ingredient! It is a great addition to chili and roasted veggies (combine with ancho chili powder and pepper for an amazing, savory flavor). To reap the benefit of this spice if a fun way, check out my addicting cinnamon roll recipe!